IG Content Creator
2 min readSep 12, 2021


How Instagram Ranks your Posts

The Instagram Algorithm is a complex system, and it’s hard to trust what you don’t understand. 😕

There are many misconceptions out there.

Here are some common questions about the Instagram algorithm:

Why did my post get buried?

👉 In general, your content is not worthy enough to keep showing it.

However, this is how Instagram truly ranks your posts.

Instagram starts by defining the set of things they plan to rank in the first place.

With Feed and with Stories, this is relatively simple; it’s all the recent posts shared by the people you follow 🎯.

Next, Instagram takes all the information about what was posted, the person who made the post, and your preferences. These are called signals.

The most important signals across feed and stories, in order of importance, are:

✅ Information about the post — these are signals both about how popular a post is (think engagement), like when it was posted, how long it is if it’s a video, and what location, if any, was attached to it.

✅ Information about the person who posted — this helps Instagram get a sense of how interesting you might be to a person and how many times a follower have interacted with you in the past few days.

✅ Your activity — Instagram shows you what Instagram know you might like.

✅ Your history of interacting with someone.

From there, a set of predictions and an educated guess is made at how likely your post will be interacted with.

Keep your posts interesting, click-worthy and engaging. This will ensure that you hit all the big 4s of what Instagram is looking for 💯.

Follow me for more Instagram tips, and let me know which one you feel is the most ⤵️ important for you in the comments.



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